Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Easy Ways To Cleans Plush Toys or Cushion and Fake Leather Sofa

Eww...look at those teddybears, so smelly and dirty. Can we just stuck it inside the washing machine? Not if you want retained its good looks and to prevent damages.

Of course you have lots of plush toys which was given by relatives and friends for your newborn. Often its left grimy and smells sour after awhile. Sometimes its remained that way for over a year or two.

Did you know that unclean toys can also be a cause of disease. So it is best to bring yourself to wash your children's toys as often as possible.

Easy way to wash the children's toy as below:

Make sure the day is really bright and sunny.

Mix some baby shampoo with water, preferably warm water.

Just lather the toys or teddy bear with soap. No need to rinse first with water.

Done and rinse with water. Hang to dry under the sun.

If you want the plush toys to look like new can use this method. Avoid using washing machine if you want its retained in good condition and look new.

The same method can also be used to cleans plush cushion and square pillow .

To cleans fake leather sofa can use the same way, you just need shampoo contained higher moisturizer content such as 'Dove'. Use a towel or rag to cleans with soap and secondly with wet towels. Avoid using too much water so that the skin is not damaged or get moldy quickly. Finally wipe with a dry towel or dry rag.

Its better we involved our children help us to do these tasks. Its easy to do, it can strengthen relationship between mother and child. Young children as young as a year or two can understand this gesture and sure want to help, its delight the child and teach them the value of cleanliness and self disciplines.

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